
A school website is a massively important resource that many schools underestimate or neglect.

For the potential student, it gives them a vital impression of life in the school and what it can offer them and for existing students and their parents, it can be a wealth of information and a way to feel more involved in what’s happening in the school community.

Following several successful projects over many years, we have gained a real understanding with regard to what a school site needs to be effective for everyone.

Getting everyone involved

Most people involved with managing a school or college website will agree that the hardest part of their job is trying to get teachers and other members of staff participating in the process as they are usually struggling for free time.

Our school designs aim to make it as simple as possible therefore for as many members of staff to get involved as you require. The administrator can control who has aspect to which part of the site so that the users only see the sections they need to manage when they login which keeps things simple. It’s then only a couple of clicks and they can be writing their updates or adding images direct into their content and they can access it from anywhere or any device.

Keeping parents informed

Latest school news from each department can be displayed automatically on a feed on the front page to ensure that everyone is up-to-date with key information. This proves very useful in the event of issues such as the school being closed due to adverse weather conditions.

School newsletters and learning resources can be added to a download area and an email or SMS can be sent to parents whenever there is a new addition. This helps cut out the issue of important newsletters failing to make it home and if the parents choose to opt out of paper communications, can help reduce your paper usage.

The download systems that we build into our school designs also allow you to provide a log-in for each parent which gives them access to their own private and secure download area where they can view key documents such as reports or private correspondence.

The importance of Media

When designing a school or college site, we work with you to try and look at the school from the eyes of prospective students and their parents.

We encourage using a wide range of imagery and video that depicts as wide variety of school life as possible. We make sure that images are sharp and high quality and can be viewed in a higher resolution where requested. We can also provide a video service via our partner Global Filmmakers, should you wish to offer video or 360 virtual tours of your school.

We also find that the use of media is a good way to get students interested in contributing to the website, either through blogs or videos. This can help enhance their IT Development.

Promotion and Marketing

If required, we can work with you via our SEO and Marketing service to help you decide on the best marketing strategies for your website. This is in addition to the standard work that we perform during the site build to ensure that your site performs well in the search engine rankings.

The search engine rankings continually evolve and as an ongoing process, this service will help you ensure that your site continues to perform well, is easily found for your key terms and will help you focus on any areas that need to be focused upon.

Examples of our work with schools and colleges

We have worked for a wide range of schools and colleges. Some of our recent projects are shown below.

To view more examples, please visit our full Education Portfolio

Derwent Training

Large apprentice trainer and provider based in Yorkshire.

Our design includes a lot of custom coded features including a tailored application form and event / job management facilities.

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Terrington Hall

Terrrington hall is a prep school in Yorkshire for children ages 8-13, it has an outstanding national reputation for academic excellence.

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Malton Primary School

Website for a large primary school in Malton Town Centre

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